Tunis Travel Guide For Independent Women

Tunisia, the smallest country in North Africa, is diverse, from the seaside villages and cities of the coast to its agrarian heartland and the desert of the South. This article deals with Tunis, the capital city of Tunisia, Tunis, and its surrounding must-sees: Carthage, Sidi Bou Said, the Bardo Museum, the Medina… which, despite some magnificent sights, has escaped mass tourism as sun-seekers head to the coastal resorts, often bypassing the cultural jewels of the capital. 

Travel in Tunisia unveils sights like this beautiful blue door in the Tunis medina
One of the many ornate doors of the Tunis medina

A few basic facts about Tunisia

Slightly larger than the US state of Georgia (or half the size of Germany) and 99% Muslim, Tunisia is in North Africa, sandwiched between two unstable behemoths: Algeria and Libya.

Its colonial history links it to France rather than Britain, which may be one of the reasons it’s not that familiar to English-language travelers. In resort areas, for example, the second language tends to be French, given the number of French tourists, although English is increasingly spoken, especially among young people.

A bit of Tunisian history

Tunisia has an illustrious history. Here’s the capsule version: it was founded by Phoenicians and Carthage, whose magnificent ruins are near Tunis, was such a Mediterranean power it even rivaled Rome for a while. And lost. And was absorbed by Rome. And was conquered by Muslims, and integrated into the Ottoman Empire until the French decided to “protect” it. Tunisia finally became independent in 1956.

More recently, you may remember that Tunisia was the birthplace of the Arab Spring, which started when a young Tunisian set fire to himself, sparking protests across the Arab world.

Tunisia safety travel and security concerns

Despite the emancipation of women, a robust legal system, and many facets of Western society, there are plenty of conservative forces at work, and fundamentalists are a constant challenge. The country has suffered several terrorist attacks in the relatively recent past, with the deadliest year being 2015. That year saw three attacks: two in Tunis (including one at the popular Bardo Museum) and one in Sousse. Most recently, in 2019, two suicide bombers attacked the French Embassy in the heart of the city and Tunis feels uneasily peaceful.

But that doesn’t mean Tunisia is unsafe: it just means that caution is required. Tunisia travel advice doesn’t warn you to stay away. Even the US State Department, which tends to be overcautious, gives Tunisia a Level 2 rating: “Exercise Increased Caution”. It does list some border areas near Libya or Algeria to avoid but otherwise, it’s the usual sensible advice… watch out on the roads, avoid demonstrations, and don’t wander too far from cities and resort areas. Frankly, the cities and resort areas are among Tunisia’s loveliest sights.

Security in the capital has been ramped up, there are a few checkpoints on the roads and people pay more attention to their surroundings. Barricades block off automobile access to most government ministries and you can sense that people are cautious. But cautious doesn’t mean scared.

Plenty of foreigners are visiting, while locals go about their lives. I spent two weeks in and around the capital, along the coastal resorts, and visiting the rural interior. I was cautious but never felt unsafe, even when going out after dark on my own to eat in the evenings.

And I’m not alone. Visitors have returned since the initial terrorist scare and are enjoying what turned out to be an absolutely delightful city. That doesn’t guarantee they won’t happen again, but that is not guaranteed anywhere.

Without going far from the capital, you can swim in turquoise waters, explore Roman ruins, visit whitewashed villages, and get lost in atmospheric Ottoman alleys.

That said, Tunis sightseeing is limited to a few sights – but these sights are worth every bit of the journey.

Common questions about Tunisia

Is Tunisia a Muslim country?

Very much so, and 99% of its population is Muslim. While Islam is the state religion, it does not govern the country.

Is it safe to travel to Tunisia?

Yes, at least as safe as other countries in the region. There have been some terrorist incidents (which I describe more below) and security is ramped up but beyond the country’s borders with its neighbors, the risk is minimal.

Is Tunisia a democracy?

Yes, it is. After the Arab Spring, fair elections were held in 2014. It is considered the only fully democratic Arab state.

Is Tunisia a poor country?

Income inequalities are high but legal reform is providing more services to more people, although the coast is much more developed than the interior. There is high unemployment, and 6% of the population is below the poverty line, which does not make Tunisia a poor country. In terms of development, Tunisia is on par with Mongolia and Lebanon.

The Medina of Tunis

Some 20,000 people still live in the Medina of Tunis, the old medieval town. Cobbled alleys are lined with buildings built high because there was no room to expand within the old walls. That height also helps block out  the torrid summer sun, which the houses are also built to survive.

Many of the houses are being restored, but unlike the Fez medina in Morocco, they’re not often being sold to foreigners (although a few are being turned into hotels or guest houses). 

Several noteworthy mosques are in this part of town, including the Al-Zeitouna Mosque (spelled in a variety of different ways, it means Mosque of the Olive), which is the oldest in the city. You can see it from above (the mosque itself is closed to foreigners) if you climb the stairs at the back of the Panorama Café, from where you can glimpse some of the 160 columns brought over from the ruins at Carthage to build it.

Zeitoun mosque, the city's largest

Houses of the Tunis medina

With tiles and marble floors and water recovery schemes, houses of the medina are kept cool in summer and warm in winter.

This was the elite section of town, where high Ottoman functionaries, judges, and learned individuals once lived.

The Ottoman houses follow the same pattern. Some may be smaller and less ornate, but most houses have a reception room called skifa once you go through the front door, three tiled rooms (tiles were imported from Andalusia) that serve as connectors, or dribas, leading to a large central patio surrounded by bedrooms and living quarters.

The patios are far removed from the main door so that no one can look in and privacy is maintained. The patios are usually built on a slight incline and the ceilings are open so when it rains, water pours in and moves downhill, to be gathered in cisterns for washing and cooking. These patios aren’t for sitting but are functional, for washing or storage or to have parties.

The interiors of wealthy houses are richly done up, with influences that reflect the many trade routes that led to Tunis. For example, the floors were always covered in marble, Italian Carrara for the rich and lesser marble for the more modest; chandeliers from Murano weren’t uncommon; ceilings were either intricately painted or covered in plaster and marble dust carvings and moldings.

A typical house I was able to visit, Dar Lasram, is now the headquarters of the Association for the Protection of the Tunis Medina.

Travel to Tunisia to see Ottoman houses in the medina of Tunis
Spotted while travelling in Tunisia: an ornately painted ceiling in the Tunis medina
Tunisia travels: a mixture of plaster and marble dust is used to decorate ceilings

Despite the ornateness of these houses, when the French arrived in 1881, they chose to build their large dwellings with exotic gardens outside the walls. The wealthy families of the medina followed suit and soon, they were enjoying the sea breezes rather than their old, dark homes. Eventually, migrants from the countryside took their place. 

As is the case in other parts of the world, some ancient buildings were torn down to make way for new ones but today, safeguards are in place and the Medina is well protected. The one disconcerting feature is… car traffic. Of course, people live here and have cars, but at times, when one pushes its way through, no amount of flattening yourself against a building will save you from being thumped by a rearview mirror!

Tunisia - safe travel - streets of the Tunis medina
Tunisia - safe to travel but some streets have other dangers, like carts that almost don't fit on narrow streets

Doors of the Medina

One of the medina’s most characteristic sights is the lovely doors you’ll see everywhere you turn,  and it’s difficult to walk by without being tempted to take photos of every single one. Have a look and you’ll see what I mean.

Yellow Tunisian door
Yellow square Tunisian door
Yellow door in Tunis
Door in Tunis
Door with studs in Tunis medina
White door in Tunis medina
Blue and yellow door in Tunis
Yellow Tunisian door
Antique blue door in Tunis

The designs on the doors are fascinating and each means something different: a fish for fertility, a crescent for Islam, and so on.

Houses of the moneyed classes tended to have two doors: a larger one for people, and a smaller one, often around the corner, for animals and merchandise.

Interestingly, people didn’t enter through the large double doors you see here. Notice the small cut-out door panels on the right − that’s where people would come in, bending down, a sign of respect for the house they were entering.

Each door panel, the left and right, has its own door knocker: one for men, and one for women. They even have different knocking sounds! In this way residents would know who was calling, a man or a woman. If it was a man, the women of the house would have time to put on their headscarves or hide from the visitor.

The souks of the Tunis medina

Tunis medina souk
Traditional chechia making - felt hats of Tunisia
The Tunis souk is like a giant shopping mall

Like the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, the old town is also home to a warren of covered commercial streets, to allow for shopping in any weather. The souks are miles long, and one wrong turn will have you going around in circles.

Getting your bearings isn’t too difficult. From the Porte de France, an archway that was once the medina’s entrance (and that all taxi drivers know), find the Rue de la Kasbah (Kasbah Street). And follow it to the end. You’ll end up on the Place de la Kasbah, where many government ministries have set up shop in fabulous Ottoman buildings. You’ll know you’ve arrived when you see a modern monument in the middle of a huge square, and plenty of barricades.

Traditional businesses still exist in the souk, from jewelers to woolen cap makers, but many have also closed as culture and mores change, and the need for such traditional items as head covers disappears. Some of the shops may be boarded up, but others have found renewed life as cafés, well frequented by the city’s youth.

Popular with visitors is the Souk des Chéchias, a chéchia being the woolen cap traditionally worn by men during Ottoman times. Some men still do wear them but it’s increasingly rare, and the shops survive by exporting the caps to other Muslim countries. Back in their heyday, a million chéchias were made here each year. Now, some 50,000 are manufactured and many of the shops have closed. This is the part of town you’ll want if you’re in a shopping mood… Other souks are dedicated to perfumers, jewelers, curtains, and carpets.

The medina is now protected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site both because of its history and its many historical monuments – a quick stroll through and you’ll see why.

You can visit the medina by wandering around on your own or picking up a map from the Tourist Office. I took the free GuruWalk medina tour (free to take, just tip at the end) and was thoroughly pleased with the guide’s knowledge and helpfulness.

Marché Central

A great way to get a sense of a place and its people is to visit its food markets. The Marché Central (Central Market) in Tunis has a great feel to it, and the first thing you’ll notice is the smell: fish. Tunis is by the water so that’s not surprising, and you can choose fresh fish and have it cooked by one of several small stalls.

But as with most food markets, what catches the eye are the mounds of beautifully arranged fruit and vegetables, almost begging you to plump and squeeze.

Around the market you’ll find plenty of other food shops and stalls, my personal favorite being a man selling fresh Tunisian bread near the entrance, just cooked and still warm.

Tunis Central Market - vegetable produce
Fresh Tunisian bread

The Bardo Museum

If you’re a lover of Roman mosaics, your eyes won’t know where to look once you enter the Bardo Museum: the walls, the floors, every corner of every room seems to be papered with them. This museum houses one of the world’s greatest collections of Roman mosaics.

There are plenty of other jewels - from marble and terracotta statues to Roman deities. Even without intimate knowledge of ancient history, you can wander in amazement and try to imagine what life might have been like when each of these pieces was painstakingly carved, hewn, or cut.

The Bardo is Tunisia’s top museum and in Africa, it is second only to the Egyptian Museum. Most of its pieces come from nearby Carthage and other Punic and Roman ruins. The mosaics especially are so phenomenal that Bardo has built an international reputation on them. Some of them can be seen below.

Roman floor mosaics - The Bardo Museum
Mosaics brought from Carthage, displayed in the Bardo Museum, Tunis
Roman floor mosaics in Tunis, Tunisia
Remnants of mosaics from the Roman era, now on display at the Tunis Bardo Museum

Plan your visit before you go because the Bardo is made up of large rooms that lead to other rooms and unless you’ve mapped your visit, you’ll probably overlook quite a bit.

Apart from its magnificent contents, the museum itself has an interesting history. It sits on the site of a military city of the same name, the site of magnificent palaces. In 1881, the French decided to ‘protect’ Tunisia and along the way restored and converted the Bardo palaces into exhibition halls to protect Tunisia’s heritage and history. The Alaoui Museum, the Bardo’s predecessor, was inaugurated in 1888 with great pomp and circumstance, renaming itself the Bardo at independence.

Seeing it today, it’s hard to imagine the museum was the site of a gruesome attack only a few years ago, in 2015, when ISIS took tourists hostage and killed 22 people.

Carthage, Tunisia

The ruins of Carthage may seem a little strange at first – they have a suburban feel because housing has been built around them, lovely villas belonging to politicians and diplomats (not to mention the Presidential Palace).

It’s understandable, given its stunning views… but a bit disconcerting nonetheless. 

Carthage was the capital of the once powerful Carthaginian empire, one of the wealthiest on the Mediterranean during the first millennium BC. Today, a few remnants of the mighty city are left, scattered along a patch of shore between Tunis and the Presidential Palace, which is clearly visible from the ruins.

According to legend, Carthage was founded by Queen Elissa (also known as Dido) to escape her brother, Pygmalion, the King of Tyre. It seems Pygmalion coveted her husband’s wealth and had him killed to get his hands on the money. Dido threw her husband’s wealth into the sea, to appease the spirits. Well, it turns out her husband had hidden the money elsewhere and all she threw into the water were bags of sand. Pygmalion was not amused and so Dido had to flee.

It is said she eventually arrived at the present site and asked local authorities for a small piece of land, one that would fit into the area covered by an oxhide. The crafty Dido then cut the hide into thin strips and joined them end to end: they covered the base of an entire hill, which became Carthage.

One day, the local king decided he wanted to take Dido as his wife but Dido wouldn’t leave her beloved Carthage – she built a funeral pyre in honor of her late husband and threw herself upon her sword and into the pyre. She was deified, which is why she is often referred to as a goddess.

Walking through these ruins, feeling the soft Mediterranean breeze, one can imagine why she might never want to leave…

Ruins of Carthage, Tunisia
Roman columns in Carthage
Mosaics in Carthage Tunisia

Whatever other blogs and guidebooks say, visiting Carthage is best done by hiring a taxi by the hour to go from site to site. The ruins are spread over several sites and getting from one entrance to another is complicated – and unmarked. A lot could be done to improve this and a taxi is an inexpensive alternative to frustration! Another comfortable way to visit Carthage is by taking a day tour from Tunis. While I like exploring on my own, this is one time a tour would have been welcome.

Carthage is a stone’s throw from Tunis, a quick taxi ride for a few dollars.  You can also take a local TGM train from Tunis Marine station (just beyond the clock tower), but the walk to the ruins is uphill and poorly marked, almost guaranteed to get you lost. The best is a combination: take the TGM to Carthage Hannibal, and from there try to hire a taxi for a couple of hours to ferry you around the various sites.

Up the coast to Sidi Bou Said

The coastline east of Tunis is dotted with a series of villages, one of which looks terribly familiar, so familiar you might think you’re in Santorini, if only for a moment: brilliant white-domed buildings with deep turquoise trim, perfect white domes outlined against a dazzling sky and a limpid sea… but no, you’re actually in Sidi Bou Said, a quick half-hour train ride from Tunis or 20 minutes by car (outside rush hour).

You can easily spend an afternoon here, or a day, or longer, enjoying not only the beauty but the history, which sets its founding in the 13th century with the arrival of a Muslim saint who gave his name to the village.

In the 19th and 20th centuries,  the village was a magnet to artists and writers, ranging from Simone de Beauvoir to Matisse and Klee.

Seaview in Sidi Bou Said Tunisia
Sidi Bou Said, a village near Tunis, Tunisia

Walking around Sidi Bou Said

Spend an hour strolling along the cobblestones and you’ll understand why artists have found this village so attractive.

Here and there, behind the whitewashed buildings, you’ll see a sea so blue you’ll whip your sunglasses out, unable to look away. In the background, the muezzin sounds, carried by the breeze. Along the walls, bougainvillea tumbles, its bright pink flowers cutting through the bright white.

Stroll up and down the gentle hills of the village, and stop at some of the stalls. They’re not all tacky souvenirs or dresses and headscarves − you’ll find plenty of quality metalwork and art, and the ubiquitous blue and white bird cages that are so characteristic of Tunisia.

Get lost in the narrow, twisty streets but beware of the unexpected arrival of a few cars that almost scrape the buildings. Somehow, the many kittens in the streets manage to dart away just in time. Many of the houses have been restored and now belong to wealthy business owners or politicians.

For the best views, keep walking uphill or stop at one of the restaurants that overlook the sea.

Tunisian door in Sidi Bou Said, Tunis Governorate
Winding streets of Sidi Bou Said

The Tunisian House – Dar el Annabi

One of the intriguing sights in Sidi Bou Said is the so-called Tunisian House, which showcases a ‘typical’ Tunisian home. Built at the end of the 18th century, the house was redone for summer residency two centuries later so what you’ll see is an older Arab-Muslim building with a mid-20th century feel – a bit odd, but interesting.

It is a house of contrasts, a kitchen with modern appliances but ancient tiles, the hallways and study walls lined with paintings and illustrations of ancestors. What makes it interesting is that this is not a static museum but a home that has been lived in, filled with memories, and which has evolved much over time. I felt privileged to peek into the family prayer room and loved seeing the library with its collection of ancient books and manuscripts.

As is the case throughout Tunisia, the house has living quarters built around a central courtyard, with cool terraces surrounding it. However hot it might be under the summer sun, this is an area designed to provide coolness and shade and overflowing with flowers and plants.

Typical Tunisian House in Sidi Bou Said
Typical white and blue decor of Sidi Bou Said

Baron d’Erlanger’s palace

Sidi Bou Said dates back to the 13th century and was named after a Muslim saint who came here to pray in peace, but it didn’t look like this – white and blue – until the 1920s, after the Baron Rodolphe d’Erlanger, a French painter and musicologist, built his palace – Dar Ennejma Ezzhara (the ‘The Star of Venus’ or ‘Sparkling Star’) – on the edge of the sea.

Erlanger House patio in Sidi Bou Said
View of Mediterranean Sea from Dar Ennejma Ezzhara in Sidi Bou Said

The Baron, who moved here for his health, spent ten years building his Neo-Moorish retreat, which attracted artists and musicians from Europe and beyond.

Lovers of architecture will be treated to a mixture of Arabic and Art Nouveau building, a happy marriage that is both sober and whimsical. The palace belongs to the government now and has been beautifully restored after suffering some damage during World War II when German soldiers moved in and did some damage. 

It is filled with fabulous moldings and mosaics, and a fascinating music museum.

Partly as a result of d’Erlanger’s advocacy for preservation and beautification of the village, it came under UNESCO’s protection as a World Heritage Site.

The food of Tunisia: What to eat in Tunis

Food and coffee are two things you won’t have any trouble finding.

Tunisian food itself may be familiar if you’ve had couscous in Morocco, because I couldn’t find much difference between the two.

The most ubiquitous dish will often be brik, a light pastry that encloses an egg yolk and tuna, shrimp, or cheese, all of them much beloved by locals whose eyes light up when you ask for one.

The other most common dish is salad, not surprising in a city with an excellent market. Tunisian salad is a regular salad with added tuna and egg, and mechouia salad (my favorite), a spicy mixture of chopped peppers and tomatoes, mixed liberally with onions and garlic. Can be hot!

Like all Middle Eastern countries, Tunisians love their sweets and pastries. Many traditional sweets look like their regional counterparts from other countries, but you’ll also find plenty of pastries inspired by the French presence, although Tunisians tend to use significantly more sugar.

You’ll find every coffee under the sun, and if you want something longer than an espresso but not watery like a Starbucks, ask for an Americano. One of the nicest things to do is sit in a café in Sidi Bou Said or La Marsa a little further along the coast, sipping a coffee on a rooftop terrace, watching the sea below.

More travel advice for Tunisia

Visiting Tunis and its surroundings will be fascinating and an opportunity to experience a corner of the Maghreb with which you may not be familiar yet. Here are a few more Tunisia travel tips because the country may be lovely but it’s not perfect…  

  • I haven’t been able to find any decent Tunisia travel guides in English but you could get a Guide du Routard, a travel guide to Tunisia in French if you happen to read that language.
  • If you’d like to see more of the country, here’s a full 3-week Tunisia road trip itinerary that takes you to every corner of this wonderful nation.
  • On average, Tunisia weather is Mediterranean along the coast and semi-desertic inland. The best time to visit Tunisia is in the shoulder season, March-June and September-October. That said, I visited end-November to early December and the weather was delightful: it rained one day over two weeks and the rest of my stay was full of sunshine, with warm weather that was neither too hot nor cold.
  • Be forewarned that if you plan on driving, you’ll need a solid set of nerves. Drivers are fast, reckless, and unpredictable.
  • This is a smoking society and Tunisian people smoke everywhere, indoors and out.
  • Expect to be ripped off by taxis from the airport. It’s almost inevitable. They’ve honed it to a fine art. It’s sad because the country is beautiful and filled with history and pride, yet the introduction to it can be quite unpleasant. (You’ll be fine everywhere else but the airport, though.) Speaking of taxis, a green light means a taxi is occupied and a red light means it’s free. Go figure.
  • Visiting the city and its environs is simple — here’s a useful long weekend Tunis itinerary to help you plan.
  • If people come up to you, especially near the medina or where tourists congregate, expect them to offer something in exchange for money, whether it’s a souvenir or a taxi, or a service. They may sound like they’re trying to strike up a conversation but no, what they are doing is initiating some sort of transaction. Just be warned. A polite “non merci” should do the truck. Just push on.
  • In Tunis, you can expect to be left alone, without any of the catcalls or hard sell you’ll find in nearby Morocco; men in Tunisia tend to be more reserved. The hard sell is limited to souvenir stands near tourist attractions, because – like Egypt – the country has seen tourism plummet as a result of terrorism, and money to feed families is scarce. That said, this remains a conservative society and once you leave the far more westernized coastal resort areas, expect to be considered at the very least an oddity if you’re traveling on your own. Men may be surprised at your freedom and may misinterpret it. Just be on your toes.
  • Most times in Tunis you’ll feel like you’re walking through a European capital. Very few women in the city are veiled, although the proportion goes up quickly the farther from the city you travel. Dress casually, but conservatively (shoulders, bellies, and thighs covered).
  • If you’re a cat person, you’ll either love or hate it here. There are cats everywhere in the streets, but it’s a sorry sight to see tiny kittens weaving in and out of car traffic, awakening the instinct to adopt each one and take it home.
  • While there are plenty of medical facilities in urban areas, they’re more scarce in rural areas so don’t forget to get travel insurance for Tunisia (see box below).
  • When you leave the country, spend all your Tunisian dinars before going through security and into the duty free zone. I was surprised to find that only Euros were accepted on the other side and came home with a pocketful of dinars I was unable to spend

Your Tunisia travel insurance

And please – don’t forget your travel insurance before you go! Two outstanding insurers are for travelers are Visitors’ Coverage and SafetyWing – whoever you choose, make sure you get insurance for any trip abroad.

Beyond the capital

There is much more to see in Tunisia than the capital region and if you have the chance, stay longer and visit some of these other memorable sights:

  • Hammamet, Tunisia, famous for its luxury spa hotels (I did indulge for a few days!)
  • El Djem and its mighty Amphitheatre of Thysdrus, one of the world’s best examples
  • The delightful island of Djerba, with its history, resorts, and sunsets
  • Grand Erg Oriental, the beautiful dunes of the Tunisian Sahara
  • Bulla Regia and its cool and well-preserved underground Roman villas
  • The lunar landscapes of the Chott el Djerid saltpan

I’ve left out many equally excellent sights, Roman ruins, film locations, and other fascinating places, but you’ll have to discover them for yourself.

Places to stay in Tunis or nearby

  • In Tunis, I stayed at the modest Carlton Hotel in downtown Tunis, which is perfectly located near the train station for Sidi Bou Said, the market, and the souk
  • If you’d rather stay in the old Medina, try the Dar Zyne La Medina or the more expensive Dar Ben Gacem Kahia
  • In Sidi Bou Said, try the upmarket Kahina Villa or the charming Villa Andalucia
  • For outstanding Tunisian food at a reasonable in the Medina, visit the Dar El Djeld restaurant

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