What is a travel visa? Sadly, we can’t always go where we want, and an international travel visa is the permission slip that lets us into certain countries and allows us to stay for a while. In some countries you need a visa to visit, others give a free visa on arrival, and some may require nothing at all.
It can be a simple ink stamp, or a sophisticated multicolored label that covers an entire page.
Some countries even issue an e-visa, sent to you by email. All you need to do is print it out and present it when asked.
If you’re traveling regularly, at some point or another you will probably need one.
First, it depends where you’re from. If you’re from a Western country, you will probably need fewer visas than if you come from a developing country in Africa or Asia.
Second, it depends where you’re going. Some countries require almost everyone to have a visa for international travel. Others require only some nationalities to have a visa.
To find out whether you need one, you can either check your destination country’s website or click here, select your nationality and the country of your destination.
Do check international travel visa requirements for yourself; just because a friend or colleague didn’t need a visa doesn’t mean it’s the same for you.
As an example, a British citizen traveling to Switzerland will not need a visa, but a Nigerian will. A Swiss citizen traveling to England won’t need a visa, but she will need one to visit Nigeria.
The answer is a complex one: the need to regulate immigration, keep tabs on criminal activity, figure out who’s coming and going, make money for the country, and many other possible reasons.
Long answer short: you’ll need to jump through the hoops and get your visas if you want the freedom to travel the world. What’s a travel visa if not your ticket to adventure!
Some countries are nearly impossible to visit, or at least quite difficult. Here are some of the thorniest countries you need a visa for:
- North Korea (DPRK) is one of the most troublesome countries you need a visa to travel to
- Cuba is off-limits to most Americans
- Russia welcomes tourists but makes the visa process so difficult you almost want to give up (but they’re trying to make it easier)
- The USA, depending on where you’re from and a zillion other factors included in the application form
- Some countries, like Bhutan and Angola, require proof that you’ll spend a certain amount of money each day
- You can’t travel to certain Muslim countries if you have an Israeli stamp in your passport so leave Israel until the end on your Middle East tour if you’re keen to go there
Once in a while, you may be questioned about why you are traveling to a certain place and worse – as a solo woman traveler you may be asked “Where is your husband?”
Stay cool. If it sounds like a deal breaker, just say he’ll be joining you in two weeks and will be by soon or tomorrow to get his visa. Swallow that pride if you really want to visit that country… I admit I often don’t.
Getting a visa to a country at war tends to be limited to aid works and journalists, but if that’s you, your organization will likely be dealing with all this.
There are also some regional rules for visas. For example, citizens of the European Union do not need visas to visit other EU countries; a Smart Visa system is being introduced in Asia; several West African countries have joined in a common visa scheme.
These rules change regularly, so don’t rely on guidebooks or word of mouth. A quick search online of visa + the name of the country should get you there, or check a visa service.
NOTE: You may need several visas if you are going to several countries. Find out before you leave home or you may be stranded along the way without the correct paperwork. Some countries will only issue you a visa if you apply from within your country of residence or citizenship.
Make a list of every country you plan to visit, and begin systematically checking. Remember, you’re not traveling in a vacuum and things like war and natural disasters can easily throw your visa plans out of whack (which is why it’s so important to keep checking!) Not to mention that visa requirements have been known to change…
There are no such things as international travel visas – each one is different. You can apply for a tourist visa, business visa, immigration visa, retirement… but unless you plan on actually living, working or studying in a country, you’ll probably be applying for a tourist or visitor’s visa.
Please make sure you apply for the right international visas because a small mistake in the type of visa you are requesting may result in the visa being denied, or delayed. And be honest. If you lie, you could get deported, denied entry, blacklisted or worse.
If you’re connecting through another country – for example if you are flying from Europe to Central America and changing flights in Miami, you may need a transit visa. These are becoming less common but some countries still require them if you so much as step on their territory.
Despite these improvements, you may still have to apply to an embassy or consulate for your visa, either online (some are modernizing) or in person.
The shortcut is to do what I sometimes do: use a private visa service, which handles all the paperwork for you.
When to apply for a visa
Visa travel procedures require… paperwork!
Visas can take time to obtain, from a single day to several months, so finding out about processing times is one of the first things you should do once you’ve decided where you’re going. If your visa arrives too late, the embassy won’t care, but you’ll be staying home.
Conversely there may be a limit as to how early you can apply.
The application process itself can be anything from quick and easy to horribly tedious or even gutwrenching. You will need to submit a mass of documents, usually including some or all of the following:
- Your passport (which may need to be valid for at least six months after you travel)
- Photographs – each country has its own specifications (size, color or b/w, square or rectangular, whether you can smile or not, whether your ears should show…)
- Proof of status (work contract if you’re employed, student card and similar); if you’re a journalist or writer, think twice before putting that on your application, unless you’re a formally accredited journalist with an organization ready to stand behind you – and even so (I did mention you shouldn’t lie – this might be one time you might consider stretching the truth)
- Proof of finances to show you can afford to visit a country without becoming a burden on the state (you may need a letter from your bank or a copy of your bank statement). This is a bit tricky – I wouldn’t want to send my bank statements, with address and account number, to certain embassies so you’ll have to weigh this for yourself. Sometimes carrying credit cards is enough.
- A return ticket to prove you will actually leave the country (sometimes a work contract will do the trick, since authorities will assume – not always correctly – you’re returning to your job). If you don’t want to buy your ticket before getting your visa (and that’s understandable) you can use outfits like Flight Reservation for Visa, who provide you with a provisional flight ticket for a small fee. You can then cancel your ticket once you’ve received your visa (I used this to get a visa to Kenya recently and I was delighted with the service).
- Evidence of the purpose of your trip (rarely required) and proof of hotel accommodation (an email confirmation from a hotel or a travel agency will usually work)
- An invitation letter (especially in countries not overly open to tourism)
You may have to send originals, a harrowing thought, since that original may be your passport. But you may have no choice, which is why using a professional visa service that tracks your precious papers via courrier may be wise.
You may also be asked for strange documents, like letters from relatives with whom you’ll be staying or previous expired passports or (and this one is hugely discriminatory) medical clearances, including HIV or TB test results in some cases.
Make sure you provide everything you’re being asked for or you may delay or invalidate your application process.
How to apply for a visa: practical steps
Depending on the country, you may apply either online or in person. You may need an interview, that might be more or less invasive – it might require fingerprinting or retina scans.
Make the appointment for your interview in good time, and while you’re there, find out how long it will take for you to get your visa and passport back.
Know how many entries are on offer. If you’re entering the country once, and then traveling on to another country, a single entry visa will be fine. But if you plan to use a country as a hub to visit the region, you’ll need a multiple entry visa so find out if they’re on offer.
And remember to ask about payment. Visas can be expensive and you may have to part with a large amount of money so find out if credit cards are accepted, or if you need to come prepared with a check or cash.
What about a visa on arrival?
This is becoming increasingly common. Just land at the airport, fill out a form, pay your visa fee (usually more expensive than getting your visa in your home country), and welcome to the country. Some countries use commercial companies – in effect outsourcing their visa services – to issue your visa and have it waiting for you at the airport. Sounds scary but it’s worked for me every time.
If you’re embarking on your epic women’s international travel adventure, make sure you double-check, because if you’re wrong, you could be put on the next plane home, at your own expense.
Some airlines may give you a landing card to fill in before you arrive: this is NOT a visa application. You may need to fill this in regardless of whether you need a visa or not.
Visit the embassy website often to keep up with the latest requirements on how to get a visa for another country (they change often). Keep a copy of your application – things get lost. And here’s a tip: submit your documents in the same order as they appear on the form: it will make it easier for officials to work through your form. Don’t forget to sign every place it is requested. Fill everything out, and print neatly and legibly and within the provided boxes.
Once you get your visa
Once you get your visa, check it for dates. How long is it valid for? Did you get it for as long as you wanted? Do you need to use it before a certain date? Avoid any surprises – never assume it is valid from the moment you get it or use it.
Check your name: is it spelled correctly?
If you’re happy everything is correct, make a copy of your visa (and keep the copy separate from the original so you don’t lose both – a waterproof pouch would be great). If you lose your passport, you want to prove you’re in the country legally.
If you find a mistake on your brand new visa, contact the embassy or the visa service immediately.
There is a possibility your visa application might be denied. If that is the case, find out why. It may be something simple, like a missing document, in which case you can provide and reapply. If it’s something more serious, make sure you keep the notification on file in case you ever decide to apply to that country for a visa again.
A few final thoughts about visas
There are a number of situations you might face that aren’t covered above, and I can’t think of them all – but a few jump to mind.
- How do I get a travel visa for the US? If you’re from a developing country, this is notoriously painful (especially after September 11).
- Some African and Asian countries can be daunting in terms of their bureaucracies.
Specialized travel agencies for countries that need visas can help you – if you can afford them, use them! You’ll find these in plain sight on the street in your basic tourist ‘hubs’ or jump-off cities. It’s hard to walk down a street in Bangkok without seeing signs touting visas for Burma or Vietnam.
If you’re traveling for any length of time or in less touristy places, take extra passport photos with you, about 3 for each country you plan to visit. It’ll be a lot easier than trying to find an instant photo machine on the streets of Brazzaville when you need a visa!
Countries prefer giving you a visa where you live – but what if they don’t have an embassy in your country? Then you should get in touch with an embassy along the way and explain the situation to them – if your country has no embassy you may be allowed to get your visa en route. This is my preferred way, much better than mailing my passport to a country ahead – and it also means my visa won’t run out by the time I get to my destination.
The visa process is usually straightforward. You apply, you pay, and you get. In some countries with a reputation for corruption, you might be asked to ‘smooth the way’ with a little extra – even in an official embassy. This did happen to me once in Africa and was billed as an ‘express service’. If I wanted my visa that week, I’d have to pay. When I asked how long it would take for the ‘normal’ service, I received a shoulder shrug and rolling eyes.
Consular staff can be unfriendly – perhaps it’s because of the high turnover of visa demanders they see every day so if things don’t go your way immediately, don’t lose your temper, don’t take offence, don’t try to be overly friendly, and don’t give out more information than you need to. Just smile, be honest, and provide straightforward replies to their questions.
If you want to get straight to the nuts and bolts of travel visas, these are the steps to take once you’ve chosen your destination:
1. Find out if you need a visa. Not everyone does.
2. Make sure you have a valid passport (valid for at least 6 months).
3. Gather all the documents you need for your application.
4. Prepare the application.
5. Submit the application in person or online, as required.
It’s the easy version but now you know what’s involved. Reality check: that cheap last-minute trip being advertised all over the place may require a visa. First check below.
Do you need a travel visa? Check your information below
As a backpacker your passport is the most important document you’ll ever have and is the first thing you need to get, if you don’t have one yet.
Your passport needs to be valid for at least six months before you enter a country. So if you’ve only got a few months left before it expires, get a new passport before you leave home. Best is to have at least a year’s validity on your passport before you set off.
Each country has a different requirement and form for passports but you usually need these basic documents to apply for one: a birth certificate or certificate of citizenship, some small photos, and the fee, which is often quite steep.
Sometimes, your passport disappears and there’s nothing you can do but desperately try to keep it in sight. On a train trip from South Africa to Mozambique, the border guards gathered all our passports – and hopped into their vehicle and drove away with them! Hundreds of us ran wildly after their car until, huffing and puffing, we reached the border post – and thankfully were handed them back, stamped and all. Try as you might, there may be times when you and your passport will have to part ways…
What do you do if you lose your passport or get it stolen? (You DO have a copy of all your important papers, of course…)
Take your photocopy and immediately report it to the nearest police station. Then get to your embassy as soon as possible and ask for a new one!
Some countries limit the number of replacement passports they will issue so beware – several lost or stolen passports may mean the end of your trip.
My passport was stolen out of my backpack in Beijing – I disregarded the “always keep it in sight” rule and carried it in my daypack, on my back. I was lucky my embassy was nearby so I could report it. I got a new passport, and a warning to be careful: a new Canadian passport (mine only had a few used pages) would be worth up to $20,000 on the black market! With that kind of temptation, you don’t want to let it out of your sight.
If you’re European, you can travel throughout the EU with only an identity card. Canadians and Americans, once able to cross one another’s borders with a driver’s licence, now usually need a passport, so it’s a precious document.
— Originally published on 06 February 2011